During the first COVID-19 virus lockdowns in 2020, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) published an Emissions Gap Report tracing the effects of the quarantines on CO2 emissions and global warming. According to the UN, in spite of the lockdowns and decreased manufacturing, transporting and other activities in 2020, global warming can rise over 3 degrees Celsius this century. The UN identified an opportunity for more "green policies" to bring the world closer to the Paris Agreement.
UNEP Emissions Gap Report, for adverse effects from COVID-19 lockdowns and rising global temperatures
Three months later in February 2021, climate scientists from the National Center for Atmospheric Research, discovered that the rise in global temperatures was caused by the lower levels of industrial and polluting cooling aerosols, intentionally omitted from the UNEP report. Therefore, CO2 emissions have already been net zero, with an offsetting aerosols cooling effect on the stratosphere, that block and reflect sunrays and lead to colder temperatures.
Climate science and atmospheric research is indicative of ice age, from the Henoch prophecies
Atmospheric sciences and technologies have been acknowledged only by the Great Reset, UN and CIA who execute the Henoch prophecies ("The Adam and Eve Story") for a premeditated ice age, forced with crustal displacement, HAARP, cloud seeding, EMPs and new technologies. The UN abused climate science for unacknowledged speculation, information asymmetries, climate forcing with weather weapons and profits from climate policies of the European Green Deal/Green New Deal, accompanied with hollow SDGs.
Triad for climate finance from the Vatican, UN, Jesuit Hollywood and Great Reset
Climate forcing with flash floods from cloud seeding and HAARP is pushed on countries from the G20 and profiteers from the climate financing of the Great Reset, in light of the COP26 climate summit. In 2021, the Great Reset forced natural disasters, snow storms, hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons, tornadoes, severe flash floods, for justification of climate change. Pope Francis from the Vatican reminisced of Noah who was a righteous man saved by God, among the misbehaving and guilty people, punished by God. Noah was a grandson of prophet Henoch-Nokodemion (1)Peter Vincent Pry; 2)Barack Obama; 3)Prince Charles).
The most adversely affected countries were members of G20 and EU, especially Germany, France, Austria, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, UK, US and Canada. Tracing the severely flooded and demolished countries discloses the corruption hierarchy of the Great Reset and future Artemis Accords.
Natural disasters from climate forcing over countries from the Great Reset
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the UN was gradually preparing the world for a new climate lockdown, caused by climate forcing for justification of climate funds of up to $100 billion and climate summits as COP26. The COVID-19 lockdown was used to force a green recovery that could reduce expected emissions by up to 25% in 2030 and increase the likelihood of reaching a maximum of 1.5 degrees Celsius, by 66%.
The climate policies prescribed for the green recovery include net zero emissions goals by 2050 achieved with zero-emissions technologies and infrastructure, reduction of fossil fuels subsidies, stopping new coal plants, promoting nature-based solutions, landscape restoration and reforestation. The 17 SDGs are associated part of the agenda and assessed as undermined by 80% from mutually exclusive climate change and COVID-19 pandemic.
UNEP Making Peace with Nature, for undermined 80% of SDGs from climate change and COVID-19
In preparation for COP26 climate summit, the Great Reset caused climate-forcing natural disasters on territories of countries from the G20 and profiteers of climate funds. After the severe floods in Europe and China, where torrential rainfall of 2 months fell over 2 days, causing billions of euros in damages, the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres urged the G20 finance ministers to adjust their economies for net-zero policies and contribute to raising $100 billion for climate.
"The climate crisis is here - and no country or region is immune. The torrential rainfall & devastating flooding seen in different parts of the world are yet another reminder of the urgent need to scale up investments to protect the most vulnerable."
All G20 and other countries of the Great Reset have to commit to:
carbon neutrality with net zero CO2 emissions by 2050
decrease greenhouse emissions by 45% by 2030, from 2010 levels
keep global temperatures rise by maximum 1.5-2 degrees Celsius, of pre-industrial levels
prepare more ambitious national climate plans by 2030
deliver on concrete policies and actions, for carbon neutrality
eliminate coal and phase out fossil fuel subsidies with minimum international carbon pricing floor
raise $100 billion fund for climate change
The G7 Summit in Cornwall was visited by the British Royal Family for the Great Reset and climate change

"The world urgently needs a clear and unambiguous commitment to the 1.5 degree goal of the Paris Agreement from all G20 nations. There is no pathway to this goal without the leadership of the G20. This signal is desperately needed by the billions of people already on the frontlines of the climate crisis and by markets, investors and industry who require certainty that a net zero climate resilient future is inevitable."
"We are now in the second year of a global pandemic that has killed four million people. Extreme climate events regularly devastate vulnerable communities. You have come together to determine the course of some of the most pressing issues we face: access to vaccines; extending an economic lifeline to the developing world; and more and better public finance for ambitious climate action."
The G20 countries were required to extend an economic lifeline to developing countries:
For climate financing, Secretary General requested cooperation at the COP26 climate summit:
Suspicious Observers explore climate change hoaxes and manipulations for the Great Reset