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Central Galactic Sun Ascension - May and June

Timeline for 2020 and 2021 with Bible and Henoch prophecies

Galactic Ascension of Consciousness

Throughout the Earth catastrophe, the Galactic Federation organized ascension on the Milky Way to 5D. The Galactic Federation regularly organizes consciousness ascension for updates of DNA with gamma rays. The rays are beamed from the galactic core, from spaceships in the Sun (CMEs) or the surface of Earth (EMPs).

Crystalline activation of DNA is usually scheduled in the summer and winter solstices (21 June and 21 December). The last important crystalline ascension occurred on 21 June 2020.

The new ascension events in 2021 are upgrading the multidimensional levels of active crystalline DNA. Gamma rays of 72 Hz (Earth Schumann resonance maximum reported as 40Hz) are beamed as EMPs from the galactic core during 15-16 and 26 May.

The ancient copper genotype had metal crystalline elements as zinc, magnesium and iron with green blood color and a higher capacity for electricity conductivity, of 144 Hz, symbolic of the 144,000 genes in the primordial DNA. The crystalline genotype with only oxygen has a halved electrical capacity of 72 Hz from an electromagnetic pulse. The loss of elements in the DNA affects the brain capacity, cognition, manifestation powers, health and immune system of people. The ancient Creators with richer DNA created the Universe with thought manifestation and had much stronger immune systems. The new unplugged DNA has a lower manifestation capability and a weaker immune system.

Galactic ascension organized by the Galactic Federation with gamma rays from the galactic core

David Hawkins electromagnetic consciousness scale is used by aliens and SSP on Milky Way

The Galactic Federation was liberating the moon and Mars with organized ascension, for the wealthy and privileged population with access to the Internet and urbanization. The true state of Earth and the Universe is Nazi white supremacism of social exclusion and income inequality, discrimination and dehumanization, unemployment and slave labor, poverty and hunger, diseases, natural disasters and wars.

The civilizational challenges on Earth are tackled by hollow policies and agendas of the Great Reset and United Nations, for merciless and nihilist depopulation to 500 million people, as the worlds of Plejaren Federation.

Galactic Federation Cognitive Dissonance

The Galactic Federation is located on Saturn and connected to Earth by the Internet (military technology). It is comprised by 9 benevolent councils with positive intention for liberation from the dark forces of Plejaren, Orion, Reptilians, Anunnaki and Archon.

They include the Ashtar Command, Ra Confederation, Andromedan Council, Pleiadian Council, Arcturian Council, Sirian Council, Lemurians, Atlantians and an anonymous member. The Galactic Federation collaborates with Solar Warden (Rothschild and Federal Reserve) and Earth Alliance (Trump).

Marketing, self-promotion, cognitive dissonance, prejudice, bias and corruption from the 3D matrix hegemony prevented realistic and objective assessment of humanity and the depreciated infrastructure of the Universe. Plejaren's Prime Creator with CERN conducted the last audit of the planetary Akashic Records and management in 2013. They eliminated all benevolent members and Earth was governed with fear by Draconians and Reptilians.

Throughout 2020 and 2021, numerous dark races died from lower vibrations and high ascension frequencies. The strategy was used for liberation on the moon and Mars in March and April. The creation of new Universes is from a soul group with unity consciousness, mission, vision, values, virtues and purpose of intention. Ancient soul groups united around a solar system from remnants of supernovas and invited members. New soul groups will unite on the worlds of the Milky Way and spaceships, with nuclear fusion reactors as Tokamak and explosions of EM rays.

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